What are you waiting for? Let’s take on a 30 day challenge!

I love Ted Talks, they are a brilliant forum bringing quality people and their passions to live and web audiences. This Ted Talk did not disappoint, it is entitled Try Something New for 30 Days it is from Matt Cutts who implores us to try something new.

I am coming to the end of my first 31 day challenge (July has 31 days). I have been exercising daily for 24 days now and I can tell you that Matt is right. My life has more daily purpose, I am encouraged to prioritize my life and bring new balance to my daily schedule. I am much more in shape, I have more energy, I am sleeping better, and I have more confidence. A challenge like this makes 30 days so much more memorable, it instills confidence, and it has instilled in me a more adventurous spirit.

What is something you have always wanted to try? What would you do if you could try something new for 30 days?

Some advice for deciding to undertake a 30 day challenge:

1) Tell your people about it. Let them know what you are planning to do and talk about it with them…or maybe encourage them to take on a new challenge too. Whether they join you in your challenge or not it is great to have someone to encourage you when you are having a difficult day and want to just leave the challenge off for a day.

2) Take small steps, don’t take too much on, and be gentle with yourself if you have a bad day. Remember you are the master of your own challenge but don’t make excuses not to work at it.

3) Record the challenge. Take note of your progress and celebrate your wins. Journal, blog, or post on Facebook.

4) Choose something you will really enjoy! Have fun. Even if you are taking on a big challenge, know that if you are having fun you will more likely do more and get more out of it. Small changes stick and anyone can try something new for 30 days.

Now it is my time to start thinking about what I will do next. How will I make my life more beautiful, balanced, and the most spectacular it can be? 

I hope you choose something fantastic and really let your 30 days take on a real purpose. Life is so much more than going through the motions, surprise yourself and do something spectacular in August!

1 thought on “What are you waiting for? Let’s take on a 30 day challenge!

  1. I love this! For the month of August I am going to read to minutes of life coaching books per day and then write a blurb in my journal about it. My hope is to create a steady stream of knowledge, while not pressuring myself to “learn more!!!” 🙂

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